![]() Sentido.tv provides an RSS service for its readers, whereby it is possible to view select recent top headlines with brief descriptions, and links to the pages online in the Sentido.tv site where those stories are hosted and stored. For an up to date listing of the latest Sentido headlines, simply enter the following URL into your RSS reader and you will be connected to the latest headlines from Sentido.tv: FRONT PAGE: If your browser supports direct viewing and bookmarking of RSS feeds in the browser window, click through to http://www.casavaria.com/sentido/rss.xml ARTÍCULOS EN ESPAÑOL: Si su navegador puede mostrar alimentaciones RSS, en la misma ventana de navegador, pulse aquí: http://www.casavaria.com/sentido/rss-esp.xml Please let us know if you encounter any technical difficulties in reading our RSS content in your RSS reader, widget or handheld device, by sending an e-mail to sentido@casavaria.com |