Sabores perdidos: 3.500 idiomas en vías de extinción


Sabores perdidos: 3.500 idiomas en vías de extinción

Si las tendencias actuales se realizan, en menos de un siglo, más de 3.500, la mitad de todos los idiomas actualmente hablados, desaparecerán. La civilización humana está enfrentando el momento de mayor peligro para las culturas más locales y periféricas, y será necesario tomar en cuenta lo que se va a perder en este proceso de purgación involuntaria y extinción.

Ràfagues poètiques [jornada de poesía]

Un poeta trabaja en los rodeos y pertinencias de un universo propio, de unas ansiedades experimentadas y de un ambiente o dado o inventado. Pretende hacer llegar esa constelación de gustos y desgastes, conocimientos y acercamientos, al ámbito humano general. Es, por etimología, “creador” que busca descubrir, sintetizar, ampliar terrenos idiomáticos, expresar fórmulas y significados futuros, a través de una atención elevada, dirigida a los detalles de lo mundano y de los misterios del espíritu.

Otro posible desvío de lo esperado [presentación de libro]

El segundo libro de poesía en castellano, publicado por el autor y editor Joseph Robertson. […]

Jenny Alfonso Relova, pintora cubana en Francia

Jenny es pintora cubana radicada en el sur de Francia, donde dirige el Artelier Habana. […]

World’s Languages Disappearing at Alarming Rate: 3,000 Soon Extinct

The world’s three most widely-spoken languages, English, Spanish and Mandarin, each enjoy more than 450 million speakers worldwide. These languages are increasingly useful for international business and for diplomacy in an interconnected global society. But languages with fewer than 10 million speakers are now considered “minor” and many long-standing cultures are in danger of disappearing, as only a handful of people remain who can speak them. In North America, there are now only half the number of indigenous languages spoken as there were 500 years ago, when Europeans began to settle permanently. There are 329 distinct languages spoken in the United States, roughly half indigenous…

The Illusion of the Definite & Invasive ‘Other’

Is the United States an “English-speaking nation”, or a place where all cultures are welcome to converge, mix and evolve? To answer this question, we must consider that there is a natural human tendency to fear what is perceived as the definite and invasive “other”, that which is different and which we feel can be categorized in a way that fits our worries.

The push to establish a single national language can only be sustained on the basis of a number of false premises. We will explore seven such lies and misperceptions here, all of a particular sort, having to do with a way of rationalizing one’s aversion to difference or to change. And, in each case, it is fairly easy to illustrate how the lie works against the interests of both a democratic society and American tradition itself.

Unjust Rendering: Reversing the Lie of an Obituary Defaming Derrida

A great and resonant thinker dies, and a great and resonant newspaper publishes an obituary dismissing his work as destructive and “abstruse”. It is an unjustifiable communicative travesty. When Jacques Derrida passed away, in October of this year, the New York Times wrote that his work was an attempt to undermine Western culture.

The obituary was full of factual errors and infected with a hard-line bias against complex and rigorous thought… the facile and mistaken point of view that to distinguish between meaning and truth is to call for nihilist or morally bankrupt agendas in thought and politics… it failed to look at the work itself or the man himself and instead paraphrased poorly wrought critiques and conceptual gossip to try to discredit a monumental life of study in Western philosophy.

That complex and rigorous thought, involved in much of postmodern theory, which characterized Derrida’s research and theory, has proven vital to extending human understanding in disciplines as diverse as science, literature and policy. The Times obituary railed against this level of self-conscious complexity, accusing Derrida of questioning the very right of Western thought to exist at all. It is as if the goal were to declare, against all evidence, that we are not living at this moment, after what has been seen and done, as if nothing had been learned from political history, as if the 21st Century did not exist… because postmodern is not a philosophy, it is an era, and one not easily defined.