Save our Climate Act of 2011 (complete transcript)

This is the full text of the Save our Climate Act of 2011, introduced by […]

Richard Wilkinson: How income inequality harms societies (video)

This stunning and eminently relevant TED talk by Richard Wilkinson “charts the hard data on […]

NNU: ‘Immovable Force: RNs Press for Tax on Wall Street’

NationalUnitedNurses_in_solidarity_with_OWS.pdf Download this file This report from National Nurses United celebrates widespread solidarity among nurses […]

Solar Power May Be Generated by Spray-on PV Paint

Solar power is one of the most promising and unpredictable forms of clean energy, because […]

South Africa Carbon Tax Plan: Paper for Public Comment

Discussion_Paper_Carbon_Taxes_81210.pdf Download this file Summary A carbon tax appears to be the most appropriate mechanism […]

Reinventing Fire: Build the Smart Clean Energy Economy

From the Rocky Mountain Institute: “Through our Reinventing Fire initiative, RMI aims to help put […]

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Goes into the Dustbin of History (video)

Today, the 20th of September, 2011, the discriminatory US military policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, which required thousands of gay personnel to serve their country while keeping their private life secret. Honorable people were discharged only because someone else found out they were not heterosexual. In some cases, the ideal military officer for a highly skilled, difficult-to-fill position were discharged despite being the most qualified person for operationally vital positions.

9/11 Should Be a Day of National Reflection & Reaffirmation

9/11 should, after this 10th anniversary, and in the aftermath of the deviation from and restoration of core values that we have undergone, become a national day of solemn recognition, collaborative restoration, and an affirmation of our civic space, in which citizenship is a sacred trust and human interest in the principal goal of our activity. It should be a day of national reflection and of the reaffirmation of the value of an open, democratic and voluntary civic space.

Rupert Murdoch’s Media Empire Under FBI Investigation

News Corp., the New York-based multinational media conglomerate whose majority shareholder is the controversial billionaire Rupert Murdoch, is now facing an FBI investigation for illegal activity in news gathering. Long maligned by press advocacy groups as a leading source of abusive media activity, and even of attacks on genuine news sources, News Corp. is now being accused of having authorized bribery and/or hacking activity to gain illegal access to the private files of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

New ‘Discussion Paradigm’ Emerging in Egyptian Power Struggle

The new expression of political authority in Egypt is beginning to unfold, even as Hosni Mubarak and Omar Suleiman refuse to cede power to the people. Whether credible or not, the regime’s mounting “concessions” are beginning to demonstrate the real political authority of the Egyptian people, whose right to decide what is legitimate for their government is beginning to be recognized at home and abroad. The “perpetual session” of the military’s leadership council, and their “Communique 1″ and “Communique 2″ suggest the military would like to guide events with language of their choosing.