DOCUMENTARY VIDEO SHOWS HIGHLIGHTS OF INTERVIEWS WITH 6 NATIONAL EXPERTS, ILLUSTRATES WAYS TO MOVE TOWARD SUSTAINABLE ENERGY ECONOMY 8 August 2007 We are currently in the grips of the many problems inherent in a petroleum-centered economy and increasingly, business is seeing the urgent need to transition to a cleaner, more cost-effective, less politically hazardous, and economically and environmentally sustainable future. A video documentary now suggests the time has come when government, business and the public are aware of the need to build a comprehensively "new economy". Pres. George W. Bush, considered by many an "oil-man" declared in his 2006 State of the Union address that "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world. The best way to break this addiction is through technology. Since 2001, we have spent nearly $10 billion to develop cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable alternative energy sources — and we are on the threshold of incredible advances." Bush announced an investment initiative to provide 22% more funding for research into renewable energy sources. The moment is seen by some as a sign that American society is at a "tipping point", where all parties are now aware of the need to move forward technologically into a sustainable future. The US has struggled to craft a coherent approach to the problems of human-induced climate change, carbon pollution and resource depletion. Lobbies for anti-ecology business interests have sought to postpone any responsible action taken to plan for a sustainable future. But now, business itself is coming to grips with the harsh reality of the economic picture when ecological consequences are not considered. And, as business seeks to capitalize on the moment, on the immense undertaking this coming economic transition signifies, we are seeing a rapid increase in investment for research and development, and, consequently, a rapid rise in innovation and in the advancement of ever-more-efficient new technologies for producing energy cleanly and efficiently. [Go to video] |