we share awake / to new world / willing Everyone is alone in the world, separate from all else, at all times, and never truly capable of saying with certainty that things could be otherwise. This is both a fundamental existential problem and a flawed way of looking at human relationships. It is true: each individual is separated from the world by his or her perceptions, but: there is a reason why human beings cooperate, why we integrate ourselves into larger social fabrics, why we maintain relationships from birth to death, or for as long as possible. THE WISDOM OF THE TEMPEST-TOSSED New York is a place where everything is just a little off kilter, pushed and angled by unwavering momentum, but there is flow and the hope of flow working in the depths of personal metaphysical craft, there is the dewy first light of possibility and the wisdom of the tempest-tossed, if —as Kipling says it— “you can meet triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same”. ZIGGURAT CENTURY: GLOBAL CIVILIZATION AS THE NEW BABEL, WITH REASON FOR HOPE We are living in a time of unprecedented global integration, where economies, security interests, legal systems, and languages and systems of learning have been dispersed and interwoven across the globe. There are obvious positive effects to this integration, along with certain overarching and seemingly intractable problems that cause real worry for even the most hopeful or studied observers. It was not in the middle of life but at the end, or in It is quite alright with me is a new debate and discussion forum, aimed at providing users with the flexibility to pool their resources, spout outlandish ideas, and test the ability of readers to suspend their disbelief long enough to contemplate new directions in science, technology and communications. SENTIDO'S 'IN THE LOOP' MEDIA FORUM NOW OPERATES IN OPEN-COMMENT BLOG FORMAT In the [ media ] Loop is Sentido's foray into thematic-analytic blogging, and is designed to put stories of vital interest, alongside media criticism, in front of readers who may have an interest to add to or to critique the pieces they find. HYPER-CONVERGENCE OF MEDIA & SERVICES NECESSITATES NEW PARADIGM FOR SECURING PERSONAL DATA The potential for broad-scope "electronic agents" —preprogrammed service aggregators and self-organizing databases with proactive marketing capability—, aiding in everyday information-related activities, will require a new security standard to prevent identity theft, which could become one of the gravest threats to economic performance and individual liberty. I think to myself in quiet excursion THUS AS OUR THANKS Ode to the many sweet dreams SELF DESTRUCTION Gravity leak on the nine sang the dronebot Tinker CRISIS POLICY FORUM: FORGING SOLUTIONS FROM OPEN DEBATE The Crisis Policy Forum is a proposed online community project with a view to fomenting open debate and discourse on humanitarian, political and economic crises across the world. CPF aims to highlight and bring about new research and policy-proposals, to produce viable, locally-relevant solutions to pervasive crises such as fresh-water scarcity, chronic poverty, access to technology and education, voting rights, agricultural sustainability, infectious disease, conflict resolution and democracy. SENTIDO LAUNCHES SPECIAL REPORT SECTION ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS is devoted to a free and independent press, and upholds the right of all people to live in societies where the presses and modern news media are open, and enjoy the freedom to deliver news that is inconvenient to those in positions of influence. Without this freedom, democracy and the business of information are in constant peril of being extinguished. Our special report on press freedom will allow readers to see what stories we publish that relate to the state of that vital freedom in today's world. PROJECT 'QUIPU': AN INTEGRATED ECONOMIC VIEW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY To emerge from the fog of flawed and incomplete economic and financial analysis, we need to come to grips with the fact that all resources, all functions or 'services', be they natural or the product of human ingenuity, figure somehow in economic values at all levels. Think proposes to create a system whereby live-update, rss-technology, and financial and editorial expertise, for evaluating broad economic trends and engagements, without limiting analysis to single-parameter references like GDP or individual stock indices. SENTIDO GOES AUDIO, ADDS STREAMING RADIO TO ENHANCE USER EXPERIENCE has added a new feature to its Media section, allowing users to listen to music from a selection of styles, over embedded streaming radio widgets. The move is the first step in a plan to create a multimedia experience that will bring added impact to Sentido's depth of research and principled reporting.
Casavaria's news publication,, has now linked embedded video directly to its environment pages, to add a vastly expanded information resource to what has until now been a text-driven research and reporting subsection of the news pages. Also follow the Earth Policy Institute's book presentations...
Through the 'Think' project, Casavaria [Sentido's publisher] aims to develop major new technologies to help bring the costly aspects of everyday post-industrial life in line with what the planet, and civilization itself, can sustain. The project seeks to reduce instability in technology for communication and to develop an entirely new sort of renewable "fuel" source. SENTIDO VIDEO NOW SHOWING REUTERS SYNDICATED VIDEO PLAYER Sentido video is going "live" with regularly updated video news feeds from Reuters. The player is available on the front page of Sentido's video section, and allows users to browse a number of headlines, selecting video clips as they become available, or to view the entire series of the moment as one continuous stream. This face approaching specifies no world. This face I see belongs to a young woman with a very old story to tell. She has lived within the story all her life; it quiets her, and it speaks for her; she contains it, though she believes it to be much larger and more significant than she. There is a space of reason beyond loss, of comfort in the steel grip of doubt, that has come to exist because we know the kind of brazen pact of so many little unspoken guarantees, the haunted mornings we could not share, the quiet that was full of absence, and even the graces given me by people willing to hear of it, to want for it as well, to see the sublime torment of your distance... Nativities, climates, the grass of the great pastoral Plains, As to me I know of nothing else but miracles, I dreamt she was here
Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune, The earth, that is sufficient, I hear fierce French liberty songs, Thus Spake Zarathustra is one of the great works of modern philosophy, and an indispensable precursor to all major trends in 20th century Western thought. The book is controversial in part because the fictional prophet who serves as its protagonist, and who professes a nearly mystical version of Nietzsche's philosophy, does so in a way that dismantles many important aspects of the Western tradition. ELINDULNÉK: PROGRESS INTO THE BLOGOSPHERE Elindulnék is Casavaria's new blog project, managed as a personal creation and exploration by Casavaria's editor-in-chief and functioning as a meeting point for books and readers, excerpts and experiments by people interested in Casavaria's overall style and mission and in Joseph's intimate, personal way of writing, often taking the everyday and crafting into an abstract exploration of the human experience, or just painting the world with his own brush. we are wrong to want to 'get beyond' or even 'smooth over' the imperfect, because that separation between one thing and another, even between ideal and actual, is what gives the constellation of difference in which we all come to be, in which all human relations situate both the core and the outer limits of their reason for being... wanton sense of coming to be NEW STRAIN OF STEM RUST THREATENS WHEAT CROP ACROSS AFRICA, SOUTHERN ASIA A new strain of wheat-eating stem rust has emerged as a threat to the global food supply. Ug99, named for the place and date of its discovery, Uganda, 1999, takes advantage of weaknesses in wheat varieties which were specifically developed to be resistant to stem rust, and which have been so for nearly 4 decades. NEW IPCC REPORT PLOTS WAY TO REVERSE CLIMATE CHANGE Two major reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) earlier this year made front-page headlines across the world, warning of dire consequences of global climate change. Now, the new report, due to be released this week, plots a course to combat and reverse the climate phenomenon.
Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass is one of the great figures of mid-19th century American letters, culture and politics. Born a slave, his learning and his moral authority inspired popular adhesion to the abolitionist movement, and his autobiography became the leading reference for understanding the struggles of southern slaves against a form of oppression mostly unknown in the northern states. Several of the artists who participate in Casavaria's online galleries also work as book illustration and cover designers. Their artwork has come to represent the color and charisma of titles produced by Linkgua Ediciones and by Casavaria Publishing, enhancing the overall quality of works by both new and classical authors. Casavaria's news and culture publication, Sentido, now hosts an archive of online video, representing events in the news, historical and documentary footage and information about conflicts and crises around the world. Each video also links to related reports within Sentido's news pages...
A new collection of drawings by the artist and designer Lainey Johr. These portraits resonate with an inherent humanity, a level of emotional depth and mysterious expression that brings the viewer to a different level of consciousness of the features and tendencies of the human face... CRUMBLING CANADIAN ICE SHELF SIGNALS ARCTIC CLIMATE IN DISTRESS Less than 500 miles from Canada’s north pole, ice shelves continue to show increasing signs of distress. A 41 square mile ice shelf, the largest to fracture in almost 30 years, broke free without notice last summer from the coast of Ellesmere Island. PHILIPPINES: 'AROMA, LIGHT, COLOR, SONG' A low mumbling of congestion, cars, buses, bikes and jeepneys harmonize with pedestrians in urban chorus. Negotiating its way through a mixture of cooking smoke and tropical urban air, the salt of the seas soak clothes and voices alike. Sounds hover through the air under a pungent midday sun that shines over this country of more than 7,000 islands. Tempering brisk spirits and making strangers into instant friends, a humid atmosphere makes for willing faces, as a signature of Manila, the Philippines' capital city.
This series of photographs is an exploration in tone and contrast, in halftone coloring and light's ability to break apart into extremes, with the effect of illuminating our own ambient inquiry... the space we inhabit, the clues that give us a sense of meaning in the world we walk through, breath and discover, daily... NEW ANTHOLOGY OF RIZAL'S PLAYS, POEMS, IN ORIGINAL SPANISH José Rizal was the father of the Philippine cause for independence from Spain. His poetic works show a marked interest for the improvement of the human condition and serious politicla meditations. While confined to Fort Santiago, in Manila, he penned at the end of his life his last work in verse, "My Last Farewell", which is prized for its coherent and intimate look at the human condition. Now, a new anthology, created in collaboration between New Jersey-based publisher Casavaria and Barcelona-based publisher Linkgua, a new anthology contains both of Rizal's plays and a selection of his most prized poetry. [Full Story] This series of black and white photographs was taken between 1995 and 2004 and has been recently refinished and updated. The photographer has taken pains to capture not only the light and the texture of his subjects, but also the fragility of all answers to the question of what makes living in the frame of such images a worthy endeavor. MEDIA PERFORMANCE, STYLE & THEORYCasavaria's global news and culture publication,, devotes an entire subsection to the media. Find analysis of trends in journalism, attempts to constrain the free press or efforts to defend the basic human right to free expression, and see how design considerations affect content or open or close opportunities for creative people. THE FALSE PROMISE OF CONVENIENCE OR ESCAPE TEMPTS US TO BE AFRAID & INFLAMES TENSIONS — The fear and uneasiness that provokes human beings to conflict is never what it seems to be; that is its nature and its method: to take hold by way of complex deceptions. Fear wages a coup d'esprit by deceiving the mind into thinking it promises clarity and intellectual comfort, peace of mind, justice and the healing of wounds, that it may actually generate the only feasible path to physical or political safety. [Full Story] ILLUSION OF THE DEFINITE & INVASIVE 'OTHER' The identity of groups, or for that matter of individuals is not implacable, nor is it absolutely relative. It follows the vicissitudes of the human health and mind, and requires sincere dialogue with the other in order to reach its fullest potential. The push to establish a single national language can only be sustained on the basis of a number of false premises, all of which work against the interests of both a democratic society and American tradition itself. [Full Story] THE HIDDEN ALLURE OF 'THE DA VINCI CODE' The question on many lips in today's media environment is: why has the DaVinci Code done so well in so many markets? Conspiracy theory is too simplistic an explanation for the popularity of the book, too much a device to explain what in the substance of the book attracts special attention among readers. Instead, it would seem the book addresses questions of meaning, truth, humanity and doctrine. And these elements together comprise what we treat as lived "reality". [Full Story] OUR COLLECTIVE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSE People want to believe what their friends, neighbors, teachers, political representatives tell them. They will express skepticism, and they will be brash and indignant about public scandals or about dubious claims, but ultimately, they err on the side of credulity. The human being in society, is able to suspend disbelief to take part in and to further the ongoing project to understand the universe we inhabit... [Full Essay] BOLOGNA: 70 KM OF PORTICOES & A STUDIED RESISTANCE Less well-known than nearby Tuscany with its myriad of famous hillscapes and medieval towns, the region of Emilia Romagna to the east boasts its great and complicated capital: Bologna. A town known for hearty cuisine and a leftist politics, Bologna is full of things to see and do apart from eating. It is an under-toured historical city, ripe for rich days of discovery. [Full Profile] NO MORE THAN I AM: NOTES FROM THE MARGINS OF SELFHOOD I can be no more than I am; in the end, I can be no more than I was, and there is a faint solace in thinking it that way. I am a vanished individual. The logistics are somewhat complex, their planning anonymous, and it has been a long night of figuring before I could ascribe a name to my loss. It has very much to do with language, speech, the human project as (ideally) a proliferation of truth and understanding. In the mechanics of media, I was a workaday cog, a single voice... [Keep reading...] WRITING & NAMING: the medicine of acquiring knowledge Language is that point of contact in the abstract, that plane where the intellectual life within us is enabled to assert itself as part of the overall experience of living. Language is that plane where the individual self is allowed repeated attempts at manifestation. What takes place in the process of writing, in the spilling of ink or the posting of digital characters, the slip toward defining a landscape, however brief, is the sanctification of an individual, and by extension of the human condition as such... [Keep reading...] HONEYED THINGS "With a bundle of fruits & honeyed things" it seemed that anything could have followed CRAFTING INVISIBLE FIRES The streets around Leicester Square were laced with street performers of surprising quality. I would later come to know this is not uncommon in the center of London. In particular, I found a string quartet enthralling. They were playing Beethoven and Bach, and within a few minutes had gathered a large crowd around them. They could easily have been playing in any concert hall, but the acoustics of the street and its rushing throng were the site of their sound, and they used it just as well... [Keep Reading] |
pensaba hablarte de la lluvia
Joseph Robertson El segundo libro de poesía en castellano, publicado por el autor y editor Joseph Robertson. Esta obra consta de una serie de obras en verso que forman "rezos" y meditaciones, exploraciones del amor y de la naturaleza de la existencia tal como la desea establecer el ser humano. MESA REDONDA SOBRE LOS IDIOMAS EN PELIGRO DE EXTINCIÓN La exposición y seminario "El mundo escrito", último capítulo de Café Sentido, culminó en la mesa redonda sobre los miles de idiomas en vías de extinción. La charla siguió la política y las metas del proyecto de forma excepcional: una mesa redonda, diálogo informal, puntos de vista apasionados, y la oportunidad de aprender, el uno del otro. SABORES PERDIDOS: 3.500 IDIOMAS EN VÍAS DE EXTINCIÓN Si las tendencias actuales se realizan, en menos de un siglo, más de 3.500, la mitad de todos los idiomas actualmente hablados, desaparecerán. La civilización humana está enfrentando el momento de mayor peligro para las culturas más locales y periféricas, y será necesario tomar en cuenta lo que se va a perder en este proceso de purgación involuntaria y extinción.
Marco Vitruvio Marco Vitruvio Polión, (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio). Arquitecto, escritor, ingeniero y tratadista romano del siglo I adC. Es el autor del tratado sobre arquitectura más antiguo que se conserva y el único de la Antigüedad clásica, una referencia para reproducir las formas arquitectónicas de la antigüedad greco-latina.
En el Bestiario de Marco Hernández, creado entre enero y febrero del 2007, en Barcelona, las formas geométricas cobran vida, se defienden del vacío con pellejos y camuflaje, parecen montar sus mascaradas y evolucionan de un paso emocional a otro, profundizando en temas que podrían ser tanto los desengaños de la niñez como las tragedias de un gran amor frustrado... Jenny Alfonso Relova es pintora, de raíces cubanas, que radica actualmente en Francia. Su obra consta de una serie de materias en conjunto (inclusas el café, la arena y líquenes); su obra multiplica los niveles de experiencia que pueden acudir en la vista de un cuadro, y sugieren un sensualismo en la percepción que enriquece...
Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga La experiencia americana de Ercilla le inspiró su poema épico La Araucana, escrito en octavas reales y dividido en tres partes (1569, 1578 y 1589). Es uno de los libros salvados en el capítulo VI del Quijote y el primer texto poético europeo en el que América es un tema literario. Ercilla relata las cruentas luchas sostenidas en Chile entre araucanos y españoles, y describe el lugar y las costumbres de los indígenas.
José Rizal Noli Me Tangere es el texto más célebre de José Rizal. Rizal escribió su novela sobre la sociedad de Filipinas en el siglo XIX en medio de su actividad política, y pretendió denunciar los desmanes del gobierno español y sus instituciones religiosas a través de un relato en el que comparecen las clases sociales imperantes, el amor y la reflexión histórica.
El artista vive no un vuelo por otros mundos, no un éxtasis arrasador que funda naciones, no un ciclo sinfónico de soles derritiéndose. El artista vive la vida de este mundo, el artificio de las construcciones humanas y la autenticidad de lo que duelen o fascinan sus límites. Vive un océano de contactos y acercamientos, pero como con cualquiera, esos roces y tributos no se alejan más de la distancia de la mano... DE LAS ANTIGUAS GENTES DEL PERÚ «Representar lo que se refiere por las personas que lo vieron, y está lo mismo en las susodichas historias, de la ciudad Real del Cuzco, que era cabeza de todos aquellos reinos del Perú, ni se puede por alguna vía encarecer y tampoco es fácil para ser creído; pero, puédese creer, porque todos lo afirman y testifican de vista...»
Marco es un pintor y artista gráfico mexicano, con un talento por plasmar colores ricos y vivos y una textura de veras evocativa. Su obra ha sido expuesta en ambos lados del océano Atlántico, y figura en las portadas y en el interior de muchos libros... EL PODER LEGÍTIMO NO PUEDE APOYARSE EN EL EJERCICIO DESNUDO DE LA FUERZA El gran fallo en el ejercicio desnudo del poder es la injusta e ilógica esperanza de que no puede haber reacción o de que no haya reacción inspirada en un sentido de la justicia. Cualquier ser humano tendrá que reaccionar ante cualquier violación de su ámbito social o familiar por una violencia ajena.
Autores varios Escritos en los primeros siglos del cristianismo, cuentan historias relativas a Jesús. Contienen episodios omitidos en los textos canónicos, e incluyen los rollos del Mar Muerto y del Nag Hammadi. LA DUDA, EL MISTERIO Y EL VÉRTIGOJoseph Robertson En la duda, hay peligros, pero en la duda, también nace la fe. La duda existe, tiene que existir, porque el intelecto humano no puede tenerlo todo siempre arreglado y categorizado; nos reduce la posibilidad de comprensión infinita el hecho de estar obligados a vivir en el tiempo, limitados por la cantidad finita de experiencia y de reflexión que podemos llevar a cabo en el plazo de una sola vida. [Texto completo] NOVEDADES INELUDIBLES La novedad es raíz y respiro de la dinámica cultural. No es que todo lo que sea de alguna forma novedad tenga ya un valor superior de por sí, por ser nuevo, último, diferente. Es que el arte de imaginar, situar, ver, averiguar y desarrollar la novedad, como fenómeno, lleva a mayor integración de percepciones en un tejido de comprensión y táctica cultural y esencialmente humana. [Texto completo] BASES Y PUNTOS DE PARTIDA PARA LA ORGANIZACIÓN POLÍTICA DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA ANÁLISIS POLÍTICO POR JUAN BAUTISTA ALBERDI, 1852 — Sin que se pueda decir que hemos vuelto al punto de partida (pues los Estados no andan sin provecho el camino de los padecimientos), nos hallamos como en 1810 en la necesidad de crear un gobierno general argentino, y una Constitución que sirva de regla de conducta a ese gobierno. Toda la gravedad de la situación reside en esta exigencia. [Texto completo] 'EL GRAN FILÓSOFO AMERICANO HA MUERTO' Tiembla a veces la pluma, como sacerdote capaz de pecado que se cree indigno de cumplir su ministerio. El espíritu agitado vuela a lo alto. Alas quiere que lo encumbren... Fue un hombre que se halló vivo, se sacudió de los hombros todos esos mantos y de los ojos todas esas vendas, que los tiempos pasados echan sobre los hombres, y vivió faz a faz con la naturaleza... [Texto completo] ESCENAS AMERICANAS En este libro Martí se sorprende una y otra vez ante el dinamismo de la sociedad norteamericana. El capital está asociado con la movilidad de las clases sociales y remueve una y otra vez, con extrema perversidad los órdenes establecidos. «Seducen estas vidas milagrosas. Mueren en palacios reales hombres que nacen en cabañas, o bajo aleros de tejados. Una loba crió a Remo. ¡Mejor nodriza es la dificultad, que cría a estos hombres! En ellos no es la vida reflejo de libros, que hace pálido el rostro, inflama el cerebro y falsea la existencia: ni tradición de familia, que echa al hombre a vivir cargado de cadenas: ni copia de obra ajena, que trueca al vivo en queso redondo... ARTE DE MARCO HERNÁNDEZ: BOCETOS, PINTURA Marco es un pintor y artista gráfico mexicano, con un talento por plasmar colores ricos y vivos y una textura de veras evocativa. Su obra ha sido expuesta en ambos lados del océano Atlántico, y figura en las portadas y en el interior de muchos libros... EL DONCEL DE DON ENRIQUE EL DOLIENTE El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente relata una intriga cortesana en el siglo XIV. Se trata de un retrato de época que mantiene la tensión del lector todo el tiempo con una descripción casi paranoica de una trama llena de conspiradores y ambiciosos. Enrique III el Doliente, rey de Castilla entre 1390 y 1406, fue llamado "el Doliente" por su fragil salud. En medio de sus padecimientos, tuvo que enfrentarse a la nobleza cuando ésta intentó sacar provecho de la inestabilidad política provocada por la masacre de judíos de 1391. [Siga...] DIARIO DE CAMPAÑA Este libro es una sucesión de apuntes fugaces escritos en Cuba durante la Guerra de Independencia. Aquí se mezclan las reflexiones sobre el destino de una nación con las descripciones del paisaje, de las comidas o los personajes que rodean a su autor. Aunque parezca extraño, a veces las oraciones yuxtaponen los elementos de un modo casi cinematográfico y confieren a la prosa de Martí un tono cercano al de los escritores de vanguardia de principios del siglo XX. [Siga...] OS MACACOS DO BRASIL: SINAL DA DIVERSIDADE BIOLÓGICA INTENSA Brasil é lar duma terceira parte de toda espécie de macaco no mundo, fazendo a nação uma das mais ricas em diversidade genética de primatas. A sobrevivência e predomínio dos macacos em Brasil é forçado confrontar a necessidade de uma terra arável mais extensa, para alimentar e abrigar uma população em aumento contínuo. [Texto completo] SI HOY ESTUVIERA YO CONMIGO MISMO
Carlos Trujillo Si hoy estuviera yo conmigo mismo |
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