‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Goes into the Dustbin of History (video)

Today, the 20th of September, 2011, the discriminatory US military policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, which required thousands of gay personnel to serve their country while keeping their private life secret. Honorable people were discharged only because someone else found out they were not heterosexual. In some cases, the ideal military officer for a highly skilled, difficult-to-fill position were discharged despite being the most qualified person for operationally vital positions.

Rupert Murdoch’s Media Empire Under FBI Investigation

News Corp., the New York-based multinational media conglomerate whose majority shareholder is the controversial billionaire Rupert Murdoch, is now facing an FBI investigation for illegal activity in news gathering. Long maligned by press advocacy groups as a leading source of abusive media activity, and even of attacks on genuine news sources, News Corp. is now being accused of having authorized bribery and/or hacking activity to gain illegal access to the private files of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Hubble Ultra Deep Field Rendered in 3D, Shows Shape of Universe (video)

The deepest image ever taken of the universe, using the ultra-powerful Hubble Space Telescope, known as the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, shows there to be 100 billion galaxies in the universe, some projecting light from a distance of 47 billion light years. A study of the Doppler redshift of galaxies speeding away from the Hubble’s vantage point has allowed astronomers to create a 3-dimensional projection of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image, the deepest photograph ever taken of the observable universe.

Sony advances touchscreen e-paper paradigm with Sony Reader Touch Edition

Like the Amazon Kindle family of e-readers, the Sony Reader Touch Edition uses an e-Ink e-paper display. But it’s interface works like a touchscreen. The advance is a major improvement for the standards of design in e-paper e-book readers. The touchscreen standard may be the most significant challenge Sony has put forth for the Amazon Kindle readers, none of which uses a touchscreen interface.

Rights Policies, Fair Use & the Health of the Free Press (discussion)

Now, we face unprecedented challenges to the right of people everywhere to access information intended for public consumption. Repressive governments are building state-of-the-art censorship , tracking and filtering mechanisms (the ‘Great Firewall of China’, for example), and internet service providers (ISP) are seeking to establish profit-dr… that limit users’ access to certain websites or content-producers.

Ràfagues poètiques [jornada de poesía]

Un poeta trabaja en los rodeos y pertinencias de un universo propio, de unas ansiedades experimentadas y de un ambiente o dado o inventado. Pretende hacer llegar esa constelación de gustos y desgastes, conocimientos y acercamientos, al ámbito humano general. Es, por etimología, “creador” que busca descubrir, sintetizar, ampliar terrenos idiomáticos, expresar fórmulas y significados futuros, a través de una atención elevada, dirigida a los detalles de lo mundano y de los misterios del espíritu.