AVEDON'S PREGNANT SELVES Avedon's work itself seems to be structured around a fundamental 'island place' of individual being. The subject is starkly portrayed, in silence and asymmetry, against the abstraction of a white background. The whole of an individual's life experience seems visible through the features into which he or she has developed by way of that experience. [Full Text] |
PINTURA DE JENNY ALFONSO RELOVA Jenny Alfonso Relova es pintora, de raíces cubanas, que radica actualmente en Francia. Su obra consta de una serie de materias en conjunto (inclusas el café, la arena y líquenes); su obra multiplica los niveles de experiencia que pueden acudir en la vista de un cuadro, y sugieren un sensualismo en la percepción que enriquece... [Página de la artista] NOVEDADES INELUDIBLES La novedad es raíz y respiro de la dinámica cultural. No es que todo lo que sea de alguna forma novedad tenga ya un valor superior de por sí, por ser nuevo, último, diferente. Es que el arte de imaginar, situar, ver, averiguar y desarrollar la novedad, como fenómeno, lleva a mayor integración de percepciones en un tejido de comprensión y táctica cultural y esencialmente humana. [Texto completo]
Marco is a painter and graphic artist from Mexico, with a talent for rich, vivid color and evocative texturing. His works have been featured in shows on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as on the covers of and the interior of books by both classical and modern authors. [Artist Page] DRAWINGS BY HEEJIN NO Heejin is an 'art messenger' in many aspects and has passion to promote fresh contemporary art. The core of her profession is 'love of art', and a strong belief in ethical and unpretentious values of fine art in daily life. Heejin will also be collaborating with Café Sentido to bring an exhibit of contemporary Korean art to Barcelona in 2007... [Artist Page] DIARIO DE CAMPAÑA Este libro es una sucesión de apuntes fugaces escritos en Cuba durante la Guerra de Independencia. Aquí se mezclan las reflexiones sobre el destino de una nación con las descripciones del paisaje, de las comidas o los personajes que rodean a su autor. Aunque parezca extraño, a veces las oraciones yuxtaponen los elementos de un modo casi cinematográfico y confieren a la prosa de Martí un tono cercano al de los escritores de vanguardia de principios del siglo XX. [Siga...] PAINTINGS & SKETCHES BY JORGE MATA Jorge Mata explores in his art the point at which the human gaze becomes an exposition of the tensions, drive and vulnerability underlying today's emotional life. His work is featured in exposition in Barcelona, Spain, and as cover art for numerous books published by Linkgua Ediciones, a Spain-based publisher. [Artist Page] BARCELONA: "THE GREAT ENCHANTRESS" Blessed with luxuriant geography, Barcelona is situated between two rivers, along the Mediterranean coast, and buttressed by the Collserrola massif. The landscape is naturally verdant and lush, and the present day city includes many barrios which used to be farming villages. Visitors can look out over the entire valley from Mount Tibidabo (a reference to the Biblical temptation of Jesus by the Devil, saying "this I give to you"). [City Page] SHARING COMMONESS This exhibit, showing in London from 7 through 28 April 2006, is an experiment in intimacy, with a view to understanding and expressing the subtle and very particular, yet universal traits that permeate human relations and communication... [Artist Page] PHOTOGRAPHY BY JENNIFER ELLE LEWIS Jennifer's travels in Tanzania in 2005, which included visit to inland villages, to major parklands and to coastal regions, allowed her to mix with the people whose country and condition she was there to study, and to glimpse candid moments of intimate if ordinary occurences. [Artist Page] ART BY JOSEPH ROBERTSON Joseph Robertson is the founder and editor of Sentido.tv and its parent company, Casavaria Publishing. He is also one of the creators of the Café Sentido project, to bring a roving exhibit space to commercial locations and public spaces in Barcelona. Joseph's photography and artwork inform the entire Casavaria project, as part of an ongoing effort to provide a unique richness of texture, atmosphere and significance. [Artist Page] XAMPANYERIA: THE 'CAVA BAR' It was one of those rare places that had no name but seemed to mean everything. We called it The Cava Bar because the product was cava, or Catalán champagne, and because it was the only one we knew. We haunted our nameless dominion through many an afternoon. It was our cherished nexus, a territory for the exposition of a certain cordial, intuitive madness. That of living without place. To call it a haunt does not imply that there was anything looming in the deep, there in the recesses of a champagne bar. It was, simply put, a place frequently visited by a group of expatriates. [Keep reading] UNJUST RENDERING: REVERSING THE LIE OF AN OBITUARY AGAINST DERRIDA A great and resonant thinker dies, and a great and resonant newspaper publishes an obituary dismissing his work as destructive and "abstruse". It is an unjustifiable communicative travesty. When Jacques Derrida passed away, in October of this year, the New York Times wrote that his work was an attempt to undermine Western culture. The obituary was full of factual errors and infected with a hard-line bias against complex and rigorous thought... [Full Story] |