CASAVARIA SEEKS TO REVOLUTIONIZE PUBLISHING 26 March 2002 Casavaria Publishing, a small independent venture based in Fair Haven, New Jersey, founded in the fall of last year, seeks to create new directions and new possibilities in the global puslishing industry. Its ambitious outlook stems from a desire to locate, honor and promote the creative work of individual artists. At the dawn of the 21st century, the publishing industry is beset with major questions about media, authors' rights, and the free flow of information. Digital media are creating new challenges for large, traditional publishers, who want to move into new media, but who are wary of the possibility of releasing copyrighted material into a digital biosphere where infinite replication could undermine revenue and erase the possibility for fair or consistent author compensation. Casavaria's impetus was the thought that putting good work into electronic format could serve as evidence of the copyright itself, and that digital rights standards could be used to favor the independent artist, not only the multinational conglomerates. So, Casavaria seeks to bring access to the realm of publishing to new authors, to let them shape a new style and a new area for storytelling and the exchange of ideas. Translation becomes an integral part of Casavaria's strategy. Along with traditional book publishing, through digital print-on-demand, and online hypertext publishing, Casavaria wants to create digital documents for secure publication and distribution, and host a translation service through which new works could be translated into various languages and presented to a global audience. This system would not shun the notion of the "niche market" but rather would seek to serve and to saturate such niches more effectively and consistently, to find the people who want the material, and to facilitate such a cultural exchange as broadly as possible. Initially, it is Casavaria's "literary galleries" which will carry the weight of the project, at first in two languages, with plans to expand to 7 o r 8 within 2 years. Then, the focus will move to putting a catalogue of new books into print, and distributing them around the world via print-on-demand. Learn more about Casavaria at Casavaria.com |