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LIBROS POR TODAS PARTES, BARCELONA CELEBRA DÍA DEL LIBRO, 23 DE ABRIL El día 23 de abril se celebra en Barcelona como el 'Dia de Sant Jordi', en reconocimiento de su santo tradicional, San Jorge. Es también la fecha en que, según la historia, murieron Shakespeare y Cervantes en el año 1616. Por lo tanto, se ha convertido en el 'Día del Libro', festival que llega a ser el día en que se venden más libros. [Texto completo] FUNDADOR DE SENTIDO, POETA EN CHILOEWEB El servicio internauta Chiloeweb, y su serie literaria de páginas Poesía Para Todos, han notado la obra poética del fundador y director de Sentido, y de su editorial, Casavaria, Joseph Robertson —poeta, escritor y editor norteamericano... [Texto completo]
2 noviembre 2006 :: Radamés Molina Montes Los Patakines son un conjunto de narraciones orales de origen africano, que han sido transcritas al castellano en los rituales de la liturgia sagrada afrocubana. El editor y compilador, Radamés Molina, presentará esta edición de la tradición de los Patakines en un evento de la muestra "La Isla Flotante", organizada y dirigida por el proyecto Café Sentido, en Barcelona, en febrero del 2007. [Exposición] NEW ANTHOLOGY OF RIZAL'S PLAYS, POEMS, IN ORIGINAL SPANISH José Rizal was the father of the Philippine cause for independence from Spain. His poetic works show a marked interest for the improvement of the human condition and serious politicla meditations. While confined to Fort Santiago, in Manila, he penned at the end of his life his last work in verse, "My Last Farewell", which is prized for its coherent and intimate look at the human condition. Now, a new anthology, created in collaboration between New Jersey-based publisher Casavaria and Barcelona-based publisher Linkgua, a new anthology contains both of Rizal's plays and a selection of his most prized poetry. [Full Story] LOS FERROCARRILES Los ferrocarriles significaban para Azorín, y la sociedad del siglo XIX, una aceleración voraz de la vida y un acceso que parecía casi inmediato a otras sociedades que rodeaban al lugar de nacimiento de cualquiera. El mundo se encogió y los ritmos de la vida parecían intensificarse. [Texto completo] HA FALLECIDO EL POETA CHILENO GONZALO MILLÁN Conocí a Gonzalo Millán, o para mayor precisión, la poesía de Gonzalo Millán en una antología publicada por el Grupo Trilce de Valdivia; luego creo haber leído otros poemas suyos en una antología de poesía chilena hecha por Alfonso Calderón y publicado por Editorial Universitaria. Año de edición y demás datos no importan al tema de esta nota. Lo cierto es que en ambas antologías, Gonzalo era el último de todos, es decir, el más joven, el más reciente de los poetas que empezaban a mostrarse en la vitrina nacional. El más joven de todos, pero con un lenguaje y una poesía en la que ya podía verse el poeta que llegaría a ser. [Texto completo]
WORLD'S LANGUAGES DISAPPEARING AT ALARMING RATE The world's three most widely-spoken languages, English, Spanish and Mandarin, each enjoy more than 450 million speakers worldwide. These languages are increasingly useful for international business and for diplomacy in an interconnected global society. But languages with fewer than 10 million speakers are now considered "minor" and many long-standing cultures are in danger of disappearing, as only a handful of people remain who can speak them. [Full Story] NOVEDADES INELUDIBLES La novedad es raíz y respiro de la dinámica cultural. No es que todo lo que sea de alguna forma novedad tenga ya un valor superior de por sí, por ser nuevo, último, diferente. Es que el arte de imaginar, situar, ver, averiguar y desarrollar la novedad, como fenómeno, lleva a mayor integración de percepciones en un tejido de comprensión y táctica cultural y esencialmente humana. [Texto completo] BASES Y PUNTOS DE PARTIDA PARA LA ORGANIZACIÓN POLÍTICA DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA Sin que se pueda decir que hemos vuelto al punto de partida (pues los Estados no andan sin provecho el camino de los padecimientos), nos hallamos como en 1810 en la necesidad de crear un gobierno general argentino, y una Constitución que sirva de regla de conducta a ese gobierno. Toda la gravedad de la situación reside en esta exigencia. [Texto completo] EMERSON: 'EL GRAN FILÓSOFO AMERICANO HA MUERTO' Tiembla a veces la pluma, como sacerdote capaz de pecado que se cree indigno de cumplir su ministerio. El espíritu agitado vuela a lo alto. Alas quiere que lo encumbren, no pluma que lo taje y moldee como cincel. Escribir es un dolor, es un rebajamiento: es como uncir cóndor a carro. Y es que cuando un hombre grandioso desaparece de la tierra, deja tras de sí claridad pura, y apetito de paz, y odio de ruidos. Templo semeja el universo. Profanación el comercio de la ciudad... Fue un hombre que se halló vivo, se sacudió de los hombros todos esos mantos y de los ojos todas esas vendas, que los tiempos pasados echan sobre los hombres, y vivió faz a faz con la naturaleza... [Texto completo] THE HIDDEN ALLURE OF 'THE DA VINCI CODE' Dan Brown's bestselling novel is not, contrary to popular opinion, primarily about conspiracy theories. Conspiracies do figure in the plot, as they have in his other books, but they are too simplistic an explanation for the popularity of the book, too much a device to explain what in the substance of the book attracts special attention among readers. [Full Story]
THRONGS OF BOOK SHOPPERS AND BOOKMARK COLLECTORS FLOOD THE CITY CENTER IN SEARCH OF THE UNEXPECTED 24 April 2006 The Dia de Sant Jordi —as Cataláns would have it— marks both the feast day of the patron saint of Barcelona, and the increasingly international Day of the Book, which falls on the 23rd of April, in honor of the two great pioneers of modern literature, Cervantes and Shakespeare, who died on that date in the year 1616. [Full Story] BRAZIL INAUGURATES WORLD'S FIRST FULLY DEDICATED LANGUAGE MUSEUM Brazil has launched the world's first museum devoted solely to the history and evolution of a language: Portuguese, the national language since the colonial era and independence. The museum is located in the Station of Light, a train facility built by the British at the turn of the 20th century, and a national architectural landmark. [Full Story] ABANICO: PHILIPPINE IMPRESSIONS Another current in time runs over this landscape, through the people. 'There is a different rhythm here'. This mantra greets me as I take my first breath of tropic metropolitan air. 'There is a different rhythm here'. This I hear from every quarter, from every mouth. It seems to be a national chorus, introducing me to the difference, without knowing how to describe it. 'It may take time', they tell me. I have already begun to succumb. [Keep reading] CATALÁN SUPREME COURT RULES GOVERN MUST PROVIDE BILINGUAL INSTRUCTION For the 3rd time over the span of roughly 1 year, the Supreme Court of Catalunya has ruled that the Generalitat must provide bilingual instruction —the option to study in Castilian instead of Catalán— at least until the age of 8 in primary schools. [Full Story] POLITICS OF LANGUAGE IN DIVERSE SPAIN Spain's opposition PP has accused the regional government of Catalunya of "investigating, inspecting and sanctioning" businesses that put signs exclusively in Castilian (the language commonly known as "Spanish", though it originates in the central Spanish region of Castile, and other regions use other languages), according to La Vanguardia newspaper. [Full Story] CASAVARIA TO PUBLISH BOOK II OF DON QUIJOTE, IN SPANISH Casavaria Publishing, which publishes, is soon to release part two, or book II of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. Part I was published earlier this year in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of its initial publication, and of four centuries of amazing worldwide success. Casavaria intends also to add another Quijote book to its collection, sometime next winter: Inútil diligencia: ensayos sobre el Quijote. [Full Story] DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA, III Un historiador, aficionado de las aventuras de Don Quijote, va en busca de Cide Hamete Benengeli, descubridor y repartidor de las dos primeras partes, que guarda otro manuscrito inédito y que huye de la purga de moros de España... y llega a relatar nuevos aspectos de la vida de Don Quijote. El autor, Alberto Báez así rinde homenaje al famoso caballero andante, 4 siglos después de su estreno literario... Casavaria's new novel, for release this spring, details the untold 3rd part of the story of Don Quijote... [Full Story] UNJUST RENDERING: REVERSING THE LIE OF AN OBITUARY AGAINST DERRIDA A great and resonant thinker dies, and a great and resonant newspaper publishes an obituary dismissing his work as destructive and "abstruse". It is an unjustifiable communicative travesty. When Jacques Derrida passed away, in October of this year, the New York Times wrote that his work was an attempt to undermine Western culture. The obituary was full of factual errors and infected with a hard-line bias against complex and rigorous thought... [Full Story] TWO LINGUISTS STAND AS LAST BASTION OF FADING CALIFORNIA LANGUAGE MotherJones reports this month that the 82-year-old linguist, William Shipley, is one of the last handful of speakers of Mountain Maidu, a language spoken by aboriginal Californians. He is passing his knowledge of the language to a young "protégé", who is actually of Maidu descent and seeks to return the language to use among his people. [Full Story] LANGUAGES ENDANGERED WORLDWIDE As many as half of all known languages may die out during the next century. That figure is already staggering, but paired with the estimate of 6,800 believed to be spoken today, it represents a looming cultural catastrophe. In a world where languages with less than 10 million speakers are considered to be "minor" or "obscure" languages by many people, the world's native and regional languages are threatened. [Full Story] MULTILINGUAL SOCIETIES SHOW NEW DYNAMISM Both North America and Europe are becoming increasingly mixed societies, drawing from large pools of legal and illegal immigrants, many of whom are migrating to countries whose predominant language they themselves do not speak. The US, for example, is the world's fifth largest Spanish-speaking country, with some 35 to 40 million native speakers. In New York City, more than half of all residents speak a language other than English in their homes. [Full Story] BACKGROUND: Casavaria Publishing, a small independent venture based in Fair Haven, New Jersey, seeks to create new directions and new possibilities in the global puslishing industry. Its ambitious outlook stems from a desire to locate, honor and promote the creative work of individual artists. [Full Story] |