Ode to the many sweet dreams
That saunter on November chills
The children are gifts like smiles
The wash between sun and downy leaf
So falling bliss hits are the eyes...
Ryan Munson
Gravity leak on the nine sang the dronebot Tinker
Foreseer like the tentacles slurp on the unknown seed
And next the ghetto birds wail get out get out
But alas the chains spit when driving at the sun
Nova Child and Tealeaf make eyes like dragon wing
Yet the elders laugh when the Rainbows jettison
Again and again and again...
Ryan Munson
Oh hazel night your street lamps dot the way
Until they vanish from my sight
And speak to the independence of a dawning day
The tickle drops they pass between two worlds
Between infinite tomorrow and yawns from yesterday...
There is a space of reason beyond loss, of comfort in the steel grip of doubt, that has come to exist because we know the kind of brazen pact of so many little unspoken guarantees, the haunted mornings we could not share, the quiet that was full of absence, and even the graces given me by people willing to hear of it, to want for it as well, to see the sublime torment of your distance... [Full Text]
HONEYED THINGS Joseph Robertson "With a bundle of fruits & honeyed things" it seemed that anything could have followed |
Carlos Trujillo Si hoy estuviera yo conmigo mismo |
Casavaria Publishing offers writers the opportunity to present their work in a number of formats, including HTML text galleries for online viewing, eBooks for online distribution and download, and traditional bound editions available for print on demand and global distribution.
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Your Fragile Sail » Lainey Johr
i hope that you don't get too worn out by searching
and trying against a hard, old wind in your fragile sail
and a boat of knowledge so often heavier than tolerated
with less than a twisted eye of doubt
keep going, keep believing that the solution
to what we perceive as problems
will come in many often unexpected forms
and that diversity and change of direction is
never wrong
although it may change the scenery, the route,
the passage, the result... [Keep reading...]
Fool's Gold » Margaret McGavin de García
Turning the corner at Aldama, he tried to pretend it was a year ago... [Keep reading...]
Wavering Ground » Joseph Robertson
Much talk about the 'Slippery Slope' informs our cultural discourse. It is an important conceptual tool, and it works best if it is understood in its most precise meaning. The popular wisdom is that the slippery slope begins only at certain obviously crucial moments. In fact, it is the nature of human events that they occur on always shifting planes of reasoning, comprehension and desire. The 'slope', then, which must amount to the collective 'inclination' of these shifting planes, is itself constantly shifting. We must then also factor in the momentum of the shifting of these planes of human events. Only when considering all of the factors that shape the topography of human events can we begin to assert where the slope is or how slippery it might be. [Keep reading...]
Mediterranean Sunset » Karla Ingleton Darocas
Down into the valley,
Out to the steely-blue sea.
Dogs are barking at the dusk,
A subtle salty smell whips the air. [Keep reading]
Joseph Robertson
Beauty, though mysterious, undefinable, even variable according to subjective experience, is woven into every aspect of life and lived experience. Maybe it is the poet's province alone to take on the burden of working this through, seeing it always, being aware of the most menial, severe and terrible beauties. But the poet's work has resonance because it conjures up a latent awareness of improbable charms, hidden among the tortuous threadwork, the causeways of consciousness.
Life itself, as biological fact, is such a magnificent achievement, it lends a certain quality of beauty and wonder to everything that occurs within it. But beauty as such arises with the consciousness of it; it is a conscious condition, a state of the mind, however sensual, in which one deliberately approves of being in the world, and one's whole self resolves implicitly to continue life's exploration of the living world. [Keep reading...]
Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a time in every mans education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.
... but the sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause, but are put on and off as the wind blows and a newspaper directs. [Keep reading...]
Walt Whitman
After roaming many lands, lover of populous pavements,
Dweller in Mannahatta my city, or on southern savannas,
Or a soldier camp'd or carrying my knapsack and gun, or a miner
in California,
Or rude in my home in Dakota's woods, my diet meat, my drink from
the spring,
Or withdrawn to muse and meditate in some deep recess,
Far from the clank of crowds intervals passing rapt and happy,
Aware of the fresh free giver the flowing Missouri, aware of
mighty Niagara...
Solitary, singing in the West, I strike up for a New World. [Keep reading...]
To submit your work for editorial consideration, for online publication, to solicit edition of your own book, or to contribute to one of our publications, send an e-mail to editors@casavaria.com
All works published through Casavaria remain under the copyright control of their original authors.
London is often thought of as one of the world's great capitals, seething with millions upon millions from every corner of the world, known for its labyrinthine transit network and its multicultural makeup. Its museums, many of the best of which are free to the public, every day, stand as some of the most important reservoirs of cultural history in the world. [Keep Reading]
The streets around Leicester Square were laced with street performers of surprising quality. I would later come to know this is not uncommon in the center of London. In particular, I found a string quartet enthralling. They were playing Beethoven and Bach, and within a few minutes had gathered a large crowd around them. They could easily have been playing in any concert hall, but the acoustics of the street and its rushing throng were the site of their sound, and they used it just as well... [Keep Reading]
As many as half of all known languages may die out during the next century. That figure is already staggering, but paired with the estimate of 6,800 believed to be spoken today, it represents a looming cultural catastrophe. In a world where languages with less than 10 million speakers are considered to be "minor" or "obscure" languages by many people, the world's native and regional languages are threatened. [Keep Reading]
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