In his farewell address to the nation, on 17 January 1961, Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American people that the conditions of the protracted Cold War and 20th century conflicts had compelled the US to establish a vast weapons industry, whose influence over government, even where "unsought" could undermine fundamental democratic values. The speech is seen as a warning not to let the imperatives of security become bludgeons for forcing unwanted policies.
Sentido anticipates increasing convergence between moving and broadcast media and the static, readable internet. It is with this in mind that we have begun planning the launch of a "Sentido TV" digital platform for online posting and reader download of moving news footage and reporting.
Sentido's aim to extend its service into broadcast format multimedia stems from the belief that information is valuable in itself and that providing information over multiple channels liberates the audience that consumes such information. Sentido will not reduce its textual offerings, but will provide enhanced complementary audio-visual coverage of key stories.