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Xampanyería: a Spanish Memoir

It was one of those rare places that had no name but seemed to mean everything. It was our cherished haunt, a territory for the exposition of a certain cordial, intuitive madness. That of living without place... We made our attempt to master the unknown by embracing, studying, mastering a more humble confusion. In this way, everything became a sort of art of xampanyería, a way of absorbing so much that might otherwise have been overwhelming. [Keep reading...]

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Crafting Invisible Fires: Scenes of London & Bristol

The streets around Leicester Square were laced with street performers of surprising quality. In particular, I found a string quartet enthralling. They were playing Beethoven and Bach, and within a few minutes had gathered a large crowd around them. They could easily have been playing in any concert hall, but the acoustics of the street and its rushing throng were the site of their sound, and they used it just as well... nothing like live music, they say. [Keep reading...]

Abanico: Philippine Impressions

For an indescribable stretch in time, we were racing the calendar, racing the sun. Such is travel that traverses more than half the circumference of our planet. It is a new world... [Keep reading...]

Oxígeno y ciprés (junio en España)

Camino por el pasillo abierto que lleva hasta la puerta. Me recuerdo. Recuerdo sin fallo alguno el lugar y el sentido del lugar. Ver el mismo cactus, el encanto de las plantas que llueven sobre los muros, ver la casa, el umbral... [Lea más ...]

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Valencian Poems

One mountain is shaped like a sleeping Elephant.
Villagers call it: The Sleeping Elephant,
It has an eye and a head and body,
It has no legs or feet.
A giant nose trunks down to the sea.

The valley dips down.
It levels off into a beach-dressed cove,
A massive rock-island, towers out of the sea.
Shaped liked a rock-tipped, tribal spear.

[from I BOUGHT TWO HAMMOCKS TODAY | Keep reading...]

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Hacia la vida fantástica


El día, como tantos días ibéricos, está encinto de secretos desarrollos de lo que habita sólo en la mente, en las emociones. Quiero decir que encuentro que vivo vertiginosamente al borde de la posibilidad. Confirmé, hace una semana, conversando con una amiga de mi estancia en Barcelona, que vivo, por elección, en la fantasía. No es nada malo, ningún pecado intelectual... lo contrario, es una representación de la fe que uno puede guardar para el intelecto. Confío en que un día lo que habita sólo en la mente, en las emociones, ese razonamiento oscuro, esa sabiduría fecunda, puede convertirse en actividad verdadera del mundo... lo que llamamos ‘mundo’. [Lea más ...]


Don Quixote's Delusions: Travels in Castilian Spain
by Miranda France

This travel narrative brilliantly, though gently interweaves the story of the author's time in Spain with the history of the influence of the literary masterwork by Miguel de Cervantes on that country's enigmatic and inspired character.


Snowball Oranges: A Winter's Tale on a Spanish Isle
by Peter Kerr

A moving and intimate portrait of rural Mallorca, seen through the eyes of a hopeful, if at times unlucky, expatriate Scottish writer and farmer. Snowball Oranges is rich with insight into the Mallorcan culture, which resounds in the characters that inhabit the local community.


Spanish Lessons
by Derek Lambert

English writer moves to Valencian coast, recounts the misadventures which enriched and defined the experience of settling in a foreign country.

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