¿Quiénes somos?

Palabras / Words
Carlos Trujillo / Joseph Robertson, translator

1ª edición: 25 marzo 2010
ISBN: 978-0877230878

¿Dónde cae la hoja que cae de la hoja?
¿Dónde, la hoja que se suelta de sí misma
como mirando lejos y hacia adentro,
como mirándose desde lejos
igual que si fuera otra hoja la que cae
mientras ella la mira?

Where does the leaf fall that falls from the leaf?
Where, the leaf that lets go of itself
as if looking into the distance and also inward,
as if looking upon itself from afar,
as if it were some other leaf falling
while it is looking on?

The work of the poet is not easy to define. It involves imagination, observation, a musical ear and a kind of daring that allows words to forge new spaces for meaning. But none of these alone makes the poet, or the poem. In this bilingual edition of Carlos Trujillo’s Palabras, his first collection to be published in English, the award-winning Chilean poet offers the reader a hands-on experience of the creative work of the poet, and by his elegant, melodic approach, suggests a more intimate understanding of what poetry is and how it comes to draw breath.

La edición impresa bilingüe estará disponible durante los tres días del Festival de Poesía de Villanova, el 25, 26, y 27 de marzo del 2010.

Calendario completo del festival, con títulos de obras presentadas, temas y presentadores

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