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Spain is a country with a long and complex history of conquest and cultural rebirth. Today, with four official languages, an engaged and dynamic democracy, and an artistic resurgence, Spain is one of the most vibrant and exciting countries to visit. Travelers can choose from seaside resorts, great cosmopolitan capitals and a journey back in time, through successive ages of creative and intellectual splendor. [Full Profile]
Barcelona » City Profile
Catalunya's most vibrant and cosmopolitan city, many say Barcelona is more European than Spanish. Here you'll find a wealth of modernist architecture and avant garde art and culture, as well as world-class opera, music and theatre.
Madrid » City Profile
The capital city of Spain, Madrid is known as a global center of culture, nightlife and learning, has 3 of the world's top preeminent museums and claims more green space than any city in Europe.
Sevilla » City Profile
The largest city in the southern region of Andalucía, Sevilla is a mix of old and new, and offers a stunning palette of sights and flavors.
Valencia » City Profile
Perched along the eastern coast, Valencia enjoys an abundance of sunlight, and offers Spain's newest architectural marvel, the City of Arts and Sciences.
Granada » City Profile
The last great seat of Moorish power in Spain, Granada is also one of the centers of flamenco music culture, and a prominent tourist destination on almost any holiday.
Córdoba » City Profile
Once the preeminent city in Moorish Spain: educated, wealthy, populous, refined... boasting a great university, a library with over 400,000 books, and a legendary culture of tolerance between Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Toledo » City Profile
The place where true damasquinado art is fashioned by hand, a hilltop city defined by narrow, winding streets, medieval and gothic architecture, many works of El Greco, not to mention a breathtaking view.
A Mediterranean hotspot, Alicante is seeing a resurgence in its cultural and academic life.
Capital of the northernmost province within Catalunya, Girona is proudly immersed in the catalán culture, and offers a wide range of cultural experience, spanning thousands of years of history.
Known outside of Spain as the home of surrealist painter Salvador Dalí, Figueres offers a unique catalán experience, and an intimate but lively city center.
An artists' refuge, a crescent-shaped fishing village, on the Cap de Creus Peninsula along the northern Costa Brava.
A summer getaway, one of the favorite beach destinations along the Costa Daurada south of Barcelona.
CavaTravel Original Travel Narrative
Xampanyería: A Memoir of Spain

Nothing easier than getting lost in the ruins of another time.

The cobbles, the asphalt, the air were rich with sea salt. The mountains on the northwestern edge of Barcelona invited morning fogs to hang over the whole city, sinking only reluctantly back to the shoreline. These fogs lifted the sediment of history, daily, into the air, a ritual cleaning. A salty timeless savor would, daily, override the sooty-city residue of industry. For those intimate, empty hours, life itself opened up, became vulnerable, reliant upon our will. We tended to attempt to dwell among the salts.
No matter what my intended destination (many days I would have an insurmountable urge to pass by the Museo Picasso; other days, it was more important to find myself at the port’s edge, watching the world in flux), all streets, every exiting of an art gallery, every callejón or escondrijo, every late café luncheon, would lead me back to the xampanyería. We would sometimes joke that all of the Barri Gótic was a series of compartments of the spirit, all fascinating but exhausting, all begging the loud, unclean serenity of the crowded cava bar.
At four p.m., possibly, definitely within the hour, one could locate Michael or Saint Jerome or Renault, Farola or the Dutchman. Nevertheless, it was always the outside, the persistence of the old places, that would drive us there. It was always an integral part of a more organismal experience, never solely, or statically, ‘a separate peace’. [Full Text]
© 2000 Joseph Robertson
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Oxígeno y ciprés: junio en España
Camino por el pasillo abierto que lleva hasta la puerta. Me recuerdo. Recuerdo sin fallos el lugar y el sentido del lugar. Ver el mismo cactus, el encanto de las plantas que llueven sobre los muros, ver la casa, el umbral, la cara y bondad insondable de Gloria, que siempre me cuidaba tan bien, significa una colaboración improbable con el fluír temporal.
Cenamos y hablamos de literatura, de leyenda y de la verdad. Hablamos de ese espacio infinito que corre por entre los nudos y planicies de la biografía a medias.

Me encuentro entre planes, entre mundos, entre variados trayectos de un progreso incierto que se llama vida. El aire tenue y privado está repleto de fantasmas e ideales, preferencias, gustos, y todo lo demás que pueda trascender los cambios cotidianos de la vida... [Texto completo]

© 2001 Joseph Robertson
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SentidoNews is a comparative media source, gathering information from publications around the world. SentidoNews content is available to CavaTravel readers through Casavaria, their mutual publisher.
14 March 2004
The Spanish government has announced it arrested 5 men in connection with evidence related to Thursday's bomb attacks in Madrid. 3 of the men are Moroccans, 2 carry Indian passports but may be Spanish citizens of Indian origin. Thousands of protesters gathered outside the ruling party's HQ on Saturday, to demand answers. Suspicions turn from ETA to Al Qaeda. [Full Story]

15 March 2004

Only three days after the worst terrorist incident in Spanish history, Spain has ousted the governing PP and installed the socialist PSOE, which had governed throughout the 1980s and the transition to democracy. Tension over issues of war and peace had been growing since 90% of Spain's population opposed its government's involvement in the Iraq war. Turnout was up 8.46% over 2000. Zapatero pledges to combat terrorism as first priority. [Full Story]

17 January 2004
The European Union requires a ban on the death penalty for all members. While the EU has been a staunch proponent of human rights, and is home to the World Criminal Court, EU officials have announced they will intensify their global campaign against capital punishment. Representatives of the EU are touring Asian countries, hoping to lobby their governments for the cessation of the practice. [For more: IHT]
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3 Plays: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernarda Alba
by Federico García Lorca

Lorca's plays were among the more controversial of his writings, dealing as they did with a traditionalist culture, steeped in centuries of patriarchy and social imperatives. These three are considered the central works of his career as playwright and social critic.

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Romancero gitano
by Federico García Lorca

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La casa de Bernarda Alba
by Federico García Lorca

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Whether you choose the classics, or new and innovative authors, the rich metaphorical content of great poetry can help you distill the exotic sensations of travel into words that will stay with you and recall the adventure of small events once you return home...
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Breves penumbras: poesías en castellano
by Joseph Roberston

Primer libro impreso de Casavaria (the first book in print from Casavaria Publishing). Obra de estirpe existencialista, que explora y fondea en las preguntas esenciales del yo, de la tensión entre lo concreto y lo subjetivo de la experiencia humana.

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Todo Es Prólogo
Carlos Alberto Trujillo

Antología poética de la obra del poeta chilote, Carlos Trujillo. Este libro ilumina el amplio y sensible terreno que describe toda la producción del poeta. Servirá para producir una tregua en la lucha cotidiana y señalar las profundidades y las virtudes de la experiencia humana.

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