Casavaria, through custom web-design, hosting, and the inclusion of extensive textual resources, offers digital communities (open or dedicated) where students and professors can gather online to discuss, debate, and research a given academic pursuit.
Professors from various institutions can create a forum online for the specific sharing of information related to new and experimental work in their field. Or, professors can engineer an online community where their students can experience an elevated degree of engagement with course material and explore new and unfamiliar concepts in a convenient, attractive, and familiar way.
A university can commission the creation of a digital forum for the dissemination of its mission, its policies on academic integrity, and changes to its operating procedures, schedules, or administrative planning.
Sentido is Casavaria's Discursive Community for News & Information. Member news services and learning institutions will participate in content sharing, and mutual comparative criticism. Visit Sentido today, to learn more...
Café Sentido a cultural undertaking organized by way of Casavaria's news portal,, and in collaboration with artists and other publishers, like Linkgua Ediciones, bringing to life a roving exhibit space that highlights the vibrancy of cultural inquiry, creative expression and high design, of the city of Barcelona.
Envisioned as a forum which may bring together scientists, authors, researchers, critics, hobbyists and lay people, in an effort to spur discussion and to foment innovation, Think is, in terms of stated goals, Casavaria's most ambitious project to date, aiming to develop major new technologies to help bring the costly aspects of everyday post-industrial life in line with what the planet, and civilization itself, can sustain. The project seeks to reduce instability in technology for communication and to develop an entirely new sort of renewable "fuel" source.
Casavaria's second prototyps Discursive Community is now online and looking for membership. Visit DHARMA today, to learn more....
Visit VERB, Casavaria's basic design prototype for a digital discursive community. Once built, such communities would also include private mailing lists, available to members in varying degrees of access, discussion pages, calendars and other visual and informative media.
For information about the pricing of basic web-design services, and for sample designs, visit our Web Design page.
Digital Document Design & Formatting
» PDF, eBook Coursepacks, Syllabi & Supplementary Material
Digital documents, such as Microsoft's LIT-format eBooks and Adobe's PDF files enable a new level of information sharing among interested parties, and can facilitate classroom preparedness, through portability of coursepacks, syllabi, and other textual media.
Adobe PDF - Portable Document Format files are an excellent means of dispensing course material that would otherwise be available only in the form of photocopies or limited-availability library books. With PDF digital files, the same information can be distributed among all the students in a class, who can be permitted to print the document on demand.
Microsoft Reader eBooks - Similar features are also available through the use of Microsoft Reader eBooks, or LIT files. These files can be arranged neatly in a private digital library, and formatted to suit the portability and/or security needs of specific academic courses. The Microsoft Reader also allows users to highlight, bookmark, and make "margin notes", which are also organized in a special library format.
Creative Writing through Casavaria Publishing
Through affiliation with Casavaria's digital community services, individual professors or universities themselves can promote creative writing among their students. The reason for doing this goes far beyond a devotion to the study of the humanities or of promoting learning in the fine arts. When a person becomes engaged in creating something expressive, meaningful, and unique, a special part of the human spirit is tapped into.
The student who becomes interested in the quality of an inventive piece of writing begins to better comprehend, appreciate and take interest in the educational process itself. Professors and institutions can select from among the writings of their students and publish the best work to a special forum, where students will learn about the expressive quality of their language, the effect it has on those who read it, and the value inherent in cultivating a talent for writing.
The interests of promoting academic integrity are served by promoting creativity, because the educational process becomes personal, a product of and a tool for one's individual creative will. The student can see the direct results that learning has on improving the quality of a created work, and by extension takes more profound interest in ensuring that the academic process is honest and inviolate.
Sentido Travel
Casavaria Publishing, devoted to promoting cultural exchange and to amassing a chronicle of that exchange, will soon begin compiling travel narratives, photo galleries, essays, and cultural information, in order to create an online environment which through literary, artistic, historical and academic vision, will help to enrich the experience of travelers of all persuasions.
This service can be customized to suit the educational purposes of a given course, professor, or institution, and to promote student interest in the exploration and study of other cultures and languages.
Clásicos Linkgua
» Classics of the Spanish language through
Procedural Policy on Academic Integrity
The use of any information for academic study, whether in Casavaria's pages or in the context of classwork, must abide by laws of copyright, fair use, and by the fundamental ethical standards implied by the academic process itself.
Casavaria aspires not only to provide access to information and communities where research and creative work can be shared and critiqued, but also to instill in the use of digital media the basic principles of academic integrity. These, succinctly, are as follows:
Citation & Fair Use
All phrases drawn from the work of others, whether verbatim or in paraphrase, must be visibly and accurately cited according to accepted standards. As such, no user, student or professor, shall in any way attempt to use the work of others under his or her own name.
Truthfulness/Substantiation of Claims
Due to the implied wisdom of professional research, any claims of scientific fact or veracity must in good faith be based on some substantiating evidence or honest critical examination of materials studied.
Viewing Casavaria Resources
All users must treat information shared or discovered through Casavaria's pages as printed or published material, subject to the same standards of authorship, citation and fair use. Any attempt to use another individual's words as one's own is illegal and strictly forbidden.
Creative Application
According to Casavaria's Integrated Academics philosophy, the creative application of studied knowledge is a necessary and beneficial part of the academic process. Individuals are encouraged to use their learning in new and experimental ways, but always in keeping with Academic Integrity guidelines.
Sincere Knowledge
True learning requires a deep, broadly intuited comprehension of materials being studied. The rote learning of facts is only one part of this process. For the sake of each individual's long-term benefit, every academic participant in Casavaria's University Services should be engaged in processing what is researched and integrating the resulting knowledge into a lifelong intellectual pursuit.
Insitutional Primacy
The rules governing Academic Integrity set forth by your institution, when they go beyond Casavaria's restrictions, must be adhered to during any engagement with Casavaria's University Services.
Further Information
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Details the potential benefits of Casavaria's University Services
If you or your institution are interested in Casavaria's University Services, e-mail the editors at:
Casavaria is an independent publishing company and a venue for literary and visual expression online, seeking to publish original creative works and provide a forum for new talent. Our catalog of books in print includes English, Spanish and Portuguese, with Italian and Catalán to come, and our web-based galleries include literature in 8 languages...
According to Casavaria's guiding philosophy, creative expression in its highest form is a humanitarian act, because it pronounces and expands the essential dignity of the human intellect. Our project is to envision, recognize and promote new forms of cultural and individual expression and to provide a forum where the public and the authors of these new forms can gather and share their knowledge, across cultural and linguistic boundaries. [c]
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